Any personal information you provide to us, including the name of your phone or mailing address, email address, financial information or other details are only used to process your orders and to give you the best possible online shopping experience. We will never disclose, rent, or trade the information you provide to us with any other person. We will use your contact details like email addresses or telephone numbers only when we need to inquire or clarify questions about your order or purchasing request. It is also possible to filter and limit your personal data on our databases at any point. To do this visit \”My Account\”.

What type of data is the information that is collected?

When you place an order through our site or sign up for a site-wide sweepstakes, contest or other entry complete a survey, send us a communication (email or otherwise), or take part in any other site features, we collect your information.

When you sign up or place an order you will be asked to know your email address and name. However, you can browse our site anonymously.

How do we use your information?

You may be able to use your information provided when you sign up for a contest, participate in surveys or promotions, use certain site features and features, visit our site or to respond to our marketing messages or surveys.

Customize your experience with us by allowing us to provide the content and products that you are most interested in.

Your customer service needs will allow us to better assist our customers.

To quickly process your transactions.

Administrators of this site are able to manage competitions, promotions, surveys, as well as other functions.

How do we protect visitor information?

Our security procedures are designed to safeguard your privacy. We store your personal data on secure networks which are only accessible to only a few individuals that have access privileges. They must also keep the information confidential. Our servers that are secure are accessible for placing orders and accessing the personal information you provide. Secure Socket Layers (SSL) are utilized for sending sensitive information for example, credit card numbers. Data is encrypted and then transferred to our databases.

Modifications in our policy

We\’ll update this page when we update our Privacy Policy. The changes made to our privacy policy will only be applicable to information collected following the date the change.

Questions and feedback

Your comments and questions about privacy will be appreciated. All feedback on privacy-related issues or any other subject matter is welcomed.

The user\’s consent is required

When you visit our website, you consent to our privacy statement.